20/05/2024 - Back to Basics with Email Marketing: Design. | Website Blog | Purple Creative Studio
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Back to Basics with Email Marketing: Design.

Email newsletters are a fantastic way to connect, inform and build strong relationships with your subscribers. At Purple, we love creating newsletters that are eye-catching and drive results - are you signed up to receive our newsletter?😏

If you’re on the hunt for more information on email marketing, we have put together a bit of a cheat sheet for everything that you need to get you started when it comes to email content and design. So, buckle up and we will dive right in!

What is an email newsletter?

An email newsletter is a little package of great content that lands right in your subscribers’ inboxes. It’s a super versatile marketing tool that can do everything from sharing company news and updates to promoting your latest products and services. There are many different email marketing platforms you can choose from, all offering fab prebuilt templates as well as giving you the option to design your own. At Purple we use Mailchimp for our email marketing and we have included a couple of examples for you to peruse down below. Think of email marketing as a direct line to your interested audience, helping you to keep them engaged and excited about what you have to offer.

How to create an email newsletter

Writing a great email newsletter is easier than you might think! Here are some steps to get you started on your content.

You first need to define your purpose; what do you want your newsletter to achieve? Whether it’s to inform, entertain, or convert, having a clear goal will help you create focused content.

Knowing your audience is another key point that you need to take into consideration when creating content. Tailor your content to match the interests and needs of your readers. You can even break down your audience by group or interest to deliver more personalised and relevant content to the recipient. Most email marketing platforms have the functionality to segment or tag your audience which can help facilitate this!

Now you know what your goal is and who you will be sending it to, it’s time to create a newsletter filled with engaging content. It might seem daunting to start from scratch but, here are a few tips so you don't have to put hours aside to do your newsletter. 

If this is the first email you’re sending to subscribers or you simply want a new design for your mailouts, you don't have to jump straight into to building your newsletter directly in your platform of choice. Sometimes a good way to start is to simply sketch your ideas on a piece of paper or create a mockup in Canva. This helps you to visualise what you want the end result to be. As much as “form follows function” you still want your newsletter to reflect the business, so this is where it would be helpful to have your brand guidelines handy!

Now that you have a lovely design mockup and your brand guidelines it's time to get building a template. Most email marketing platforms have prebuilt templates as an option for you to choose from and customise according to your brand, and many are very user-friendly. So, with some trial and error you will be able to bring your design to life. Don't worry, you won't have to build this every time you want to send out a newsletter - create this as a template design which you can use each time and add in your fresh content!

What to include in an email newsletter 

A great way to keep your content engaging is to mix it up with text, images and links to make your newsletter more appealing and interactive. Always aim to provide value to your readers with informative and relevant content. We can't forget about an eye-catching subject line either - it's the first thing seen by your recipients, so make it catchy and relevant to boost your open rates

Keeping it short and sweet is also an important factor to consider. Respect your readers' time by keeping your content concise and to the point. Using bullet points and subheadings will make it easier to skim.

Include a clear call to action (CTA)! Guide your readers towards the action you want them to take, whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for an event, or making a purchase. You do not want opening the newsletter to be the only action that your reader will take.

Still a bit stumped as to what to put in your newsletter? Here are some ideas to keep it interesting and engaging!

  • Company news and updates: Share the latest news from your company, like new hires, product launches, or big milestones.
  • Educational content: Offer valuable info that educates your audience. This could be industry insights, how-to guides, or expert tips,
  • Promotions and offers: Highlight special deals, discounts, or exclusive offers to entice your subscribers to take action.
  • Customer stories and testimonials: Show off success stories and testimonials to build trust and credibility.
  • Upcoming events: Let your audience know about any upcoming webinars, events, or product launches they might be interested in.

Best newsletter formats 

Choosing the right format can make all the difference. 

Here are some popular formats to consider:

Classic Newsletter:

A balanced mix of company updates, articles and promotions. Great for keeping your audience informed on a regular basis.

Blog style:

Focuses on sharing recent blog posts, articles and in-depth content pieces. Perfect for content-heavy industries.

Product Focused:

Highlights new products, features, and special offers. Ideal for e-commerce businesses.

Event Centric:

Focuses on promoting upcoming events, webinars, or workshops. Perfect for businesses that host regular events.

Curated Content:

Provides a roundup of industry news, tips, and resources from various sources. Excellent for positioning your brand as a thought leader.


(Source: Mailchimp)

At Purple, we know every business is unique. That's why we customise our email marketing strategies to fit your specific goals and audience preferences. Let us help you create email campaigns that not only reach your subscribers but also resonate with them. Get in touch with us at [email protected] or give us a call on 01748 821888 we would love to chat with you! ☕


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