27/08/2024 - Is blogging dead? Why blogs are still a good idea for business websites | Website Blog | Purple Creative Studio
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Is blogging dead? Why blogs are still a good idea for business websites

Blogging has come a long way over the last 30 years - it’s been through many phases and has undergone many developments since the first blog in the early 90s. It’s almost hard to believe it's been over 20 years since “Blog” became the Word of the Year in 2002! 

But, that’s perhaps one of the reasons why we often get asked questions like “do I need a blog on my website?” and “do people still use blogs?” Blogging has been around for many years now, in which we have seen the rise of social media, video content, generative AI and other technological advances, which has led people to question the value or relevance of blogs today.

Although blogging and long-form content have evolved over the years, it’s far from becoming obsolete and remains a vital tool for businesses. Where blogs began as simple online diaries, they have since become a powerful medium for sharing information and building communities, where businesses can engage audiences, build brand loyalty, and establish authority in their industries.

And, despite how social media, podcasts, and video content have emerged as major content distribution channels in recent years, blogs have remained relevant as many of us still prefer written content for certain functions! Video content is great for its storytelling power and visual impact, but often when users are looking for information quickly a video can be quite frustrating. In fact, it can be faster to read than to listen; the average reader can read 238 words per minute vs the average speaking speed of 150 words a minute. Plus, a well-structured blog featuring subheadings and anchor links can help readers find answers more quickly.

Blogging isn’t dying. In fact, blogging is thriving and is still a relevant and profitable content marketing channel. According to Hubspot’s 2024 State of Marketing report, blogs are among the top marketing channels that offer the highest ROI. 


Why blogging is still beneficial for your business

It is becoming more and more important for small businesses to develop a strong online presence to engage and communicate with their customers. And, the key reason blogging is still beneficial for your business is that it benefits your customers - they can find you, you can answer their questions, and you can offer them a solution.

There are many benefits to having a blog or news page on your website, all of which help you to connect with your customers: 

Improve your SEO and increase visibility

Regular blog content using keywords and phrases can improve a website’s search engine rankings, as search engines like Google use these keywords to understand the content of your site and match it with users’ search queries. Higher rankings mean your visibility in search is increased, making it easier for your customers to find you. 

Generating more site traffic

A blog gives people a reason to visit your website. People read blogs for a variety of reasons, including:

  • To find answers to their questions or queries
  • To learn new skills or how to do something
  • To watch video tutorials
  • To learn from experts or influencers
  • To get news and updates

So having content like this on your website gives potential customers multiple reasons to visit your site, beyond just making a purchase or getting in touch. So, whether they’re looking to learn something new via a ‘How-to’ or want to keep up with the latest industry trends, your blog can provide the content they’re searching for. And, keeping that content varied will mean your content caters to broader interests and a wider audience.

Boost credibility and help your customers

A blog can help your business establish its position as an industry expert. By providing valuable insights, solutions, and tips you’ll build authority and become a helpful and knowledgeable resource. Sharing consistent, helpful and high-quality content with your customers' needs, questions, and queries in mind can build trust with potential customers too as you’re offering them value. As they start to view your blog as a reliable resource, their loyalty may increase and lead to referrals.


Tips for effective business blog content

Here are some of our tips and advice for crafting successful blog content in 2024.

Have a blogging strategy in place

It’s important to understand the what, who and why behind your blog. So, be sure to have a strategy in place, including your target audience and goals. That way you know who you’re writing for and what you want to achieve. Then, use analytics tools to track and review performance, so you can adjust strategies and update old content that performed well.

Embrace the power of multimedia

Although you might think blogs are centred around long-form text-based content, readers are now increasingly looking for more engaging and interactive content formats. So incorporating multimedia elements such as video, audio and images into your blog posts can enhance the appeal of your content, and cater to different preferences.

Quality not quantity

Although regular content is beneficial, fewer well-researched, high-quality posts are more effective than frequent but invaluable ones. Be sure to blog about your niche, keep your audience in mind, and maintain a posting schedule that you stick to - such as bi-monthly, monthly, or weekly posts. Be sure to avoid clickbait headlines too! 

Promote your content

After putting all this hard work into your blog, make sure you let people know about it! Share your blogs and news items on social media, in email newsletters, and other channels to get the most from your content and increase reach. Use links where you can to make it as easy as possible for people to head to your website and read the article!


The Future of Blogging

So, in answer to our title, no blogging is not dead! But, like the rest of technology, it has evolved in line with the changing demands of the digital world - it will likely continue to do so too. Nevertheless, blogging on your business’ website as part of a broader content strategy can be valuable for both you and your customers.

We hope this has inspired you to continue posting on the blog page on your site, or perhaps to add a blog or news functionality to your website! If you’d like our support with blog writing or adding such elements to your site, please do get in touch and our team will be happy to help!

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